Welcome to Cakes By Sammie. I have started this blog to keep a note & pictures of my new hobby. Everything I've learnt so far I've taught myself, along with a little help from one of May Clee Cadmans (of Masie Fantasie) books.
All photographs are taken by myself -I enjoy photographing the cakes as much as I do making (& eating) them.

Saturday 6 March 2010

My 1st Cake!!

Moving on from cupcakes (FINALLY!) I wanted to try and make and decorate proper cake. I made a victoria sponge and covered it in white and pink polka dot icing, some ribbon and a matching pink feather. I love pink & I love polka dots so this would be my perfect cake!!
Am really pleased with my efforts & it tasted amazing, even if I do say so myself ;)

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